Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poisson D'Avril!

Today my blog is officially 1 week old! Also, it's April fool's day or Poisson D'Avril (fish of April). This dates back to the 16th century when Charles IX, followed the Gregorian Calendar, decreed Jan 1st as New Year's Day, rather than April 1st (Solstice). Those who didn't follow the new calendar were called "fools" and sent invitations to fake parties and the like. ( I bet you didn't know I was so smart-- It's amazing what you can learn from the 'net ) French children fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' backs. Those crazy frenchies! Seriously though, I'm a total francophile. (Thank you, Gina for that word, it totally suits us!)

Also this weekend I purchased a laptop. I feel it is my patriotic duty to stimulate the economy. This way I can blog... I mean do my homework...from my bed! That was a MAJOR selling point for me. I'm SUPER excited and got a great deal from Dell through the IUN student website. The estimated ship date on it is April 8th and I cannot stand it! 7 whole days. Here's a picture of what it will look like.
Isn't it pretty? Doesn't it remind you of spring?


abbie said...

i like :) very excited about your lap top awesome~
the bean

Anonymous said...

We'll get you hooked up soon enough.

JackeeG4glamorous said...

Ooooooooh, So green! May you find a goldfish taped to your back. That is knee-slapping HILarious! Oh boy. Maybe I just don't get it. I like your pictures Sarah.

Anonymous said...

Very nice!!! you will love being able to take your computer any where in the house.

Scarecrow said...

What not a Macbook? I thought you were a pod person?

Sarah said...

I got a better deal through dell than I did through Apple..I checked with them first!

Anonymous said...

Macs are great if you have $3K to spend on a logo.

Unknown said...

C'est incroyable que j'ai oublie Poisson D'Avril! But way cool that you remembered and mentioned me in the blog! The green laptop is awesome, although I am partial to my Macbook...

the pie-monkey said...

luv your blog!! keep up the good writing- and kool computer!