Friday, April 4, 2008

My Boyfriend

I love John Cusack. I mean LURRRVE him! My husband knows that if I ever meet him...all bets are off. He lives in the same building as my sister-in-law's parents and when I visit I just want to spend the day riding up and down in the elevator (I don't, I'm not creepy like that, I've just thought about it)
So why am I telling you this? I found a video on youtube yesterday that cracked me up. I wish I'd thought of it. It sounds like something I would do. Watch it here!

**LAPTOP UPDATE** They tried to deliver it, but no one was home. They'll try again on Monday. Damn the postal system!

1 comment:

JackeeG4glamorous said...

OMG! I never thought anyone would try to steal (ummm stalk...)your husband John Cusak like that! Are you sure that Bossy isn't your alias?