Tuesday, June 17, 2008

We Interrupt Your Tuesday For a Very Important Announcement...

Many of you may be aware of how I feel about my job at the Chamber of Horrors. There are even a few of you who already know about this, but you'll have to hear it again. I have a new job. Well not really a new job so much (I'm still at the Chamber) as a new position. As of June 23rd I start my new job in education. I am going to be clinical instructor for both the IUN and Ivy Tech students at my hospital. I will also be orientating any new employees. I used to perform inservices throughout the hospital on various respiratory subjects, but I had to arrange those on my days off. Now I get to do them as part of my time already there. I'm also going to be in charge of all education for the department. We're getting both a new computer charting system and a new lab computer system this fall and I will be involved in the educating of the department on those as well. I'm SO excited to start this I can hardly breathe!!
Oh, and did I mention it's Mon-Fri. 6:30-3pm. Sweet! Over the years I have worked MORE than my fair share of weekend shifts, and the idea of having more weekends off thrills me to no end. I'm sure I'll still pick up a few weekend shifts here and there when they need me because I'm a sucker like that. But at least I now have an option.
And Angie, now I can finally start to figure out a weekend to come visit!


Kristabella said...

Yay! Congrats!

I worked EVERY WEEKEND for 10 years. I will never do that again.

JackeeG4glamorous said...

SUPER SWEET! You will do a fine job, and maybe your students will not think of their job as the CHAMBER, all because of you.