Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shut up! I NEEEEDED This!

I know it's not helping my addiction....but she's my FAVORITE AUTHOR! And it came out yesterday. I HAD to buy it! I SO want to be a Bounty Hunter!

***This post is mostly for Spiderman as a justification for why I have yet ANOTHER book on the nightstand.***


Melanie Sheridan said...

I have it cued up at my library. They'll emial me when it's my turn to check it out. I think I'm 87th in the cue so no spoilers! ;^)

JackeeG4glamorous said...

Need it, want it, got it.
So did your sister. Tell melanie we can send it to her faster!

Liz said...

Hey I found you when I looked up scrapbookers... but I noticed what you're reading! I'm only on number 3 of these. I love them already. :)