Friday, June 20, 2008

Let's Try This Again...

Thanks to Susannah for her help with YouTube! I thought I'd try it out and also share with you a video that I love. This guy has a whole crapload of songs. They're completely inappropriate...and totally hysterical. It was hard for me to decide just which one I wanted to post here but I decided on this one since it is one of my fears.


Brandi said...

That is so not right, but I highly enjoyed it. I was laughing the whole way through it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think this is Stephen Lynch. My husband LOVES him! Some of his stuff is out there, but mostly hilarious. He has a song about his love of black women (which I am and my husband is not) that my husband wanted to use at our wedding. Uh, no!

JackeeG4glamorous said...

He (Stephen Lynch) is cracked! I went on YouTube to view some of his other material after this clip. His stuff is so, so very wrong - but it was very funny in a dark, dark way.