Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lazy vs Crazy

I am lazy.
Sometimes I wish I had superpowers or a helper monkey just so I don't have to get things for myself. I firmly believe in the laws of motion that say that a body in motion will stay in motion and a body at rest will stay at rest (you know, unless acted on by a force which in my case is usually Spiderman being all "get it yourself, lazy") The lazy? it usually works for me. But....
I am also crazy.
Hello? Is this your first time here? I can be a loony, neurotic mess! So what am I currently obsessing about? Every year like many women, I become lax with shaving once the cold weather comes. I don't shave my legs every day. I tell myself "hey an extra layer of warmth is a good thing!" ( I also say this about extra helpings of cake) It's mostly because I allow myself to be lazy.
But every so often the crazy takes over. What if I'm in an accident? What if they have to cut off my clothes??? And see my hairy legs??? What if I DIE in my sleep? And have to be buried with stubble????

Am I the only one who worries about this?

Which one do you lean towards...the crazy....or the lazy?


JackeeG4glamorous said...

Crap, I'm a shaver...except behind the knees-seems I always miss a stripe there.
So, I'm not lazy or crazy - at least not about this topic.

Robin said...

I am firmly in the Lazy camp! Funny post :)

Melanie Sheridan said...

Crazy. Definitely!

Brandi said...

i hate to shave my legs in the winter!! I did today though bevause I was starting to get bothered my my legs looking like a mans!!!

Jen said...

My lazy always, always outweighs my crazy. No question about it.

readsalot said...

Very lazy over here. When I was recently in an accident I was very glad I wasn't hurt because my legs were not in viewing form. Now that I have had to start going to the chiropractor, I make sure that my legs are shaved even though they are never seen.