Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cubs Cheat Death!

Strange thing happened to me today. We were coding a patient, this frail little 84 year old man. So frail that his ribs crunched when I was doing compressions. We coded him for 20 minutes and he was basically already in the light. The nurse left the room to speak to the family and let them know of the status. No matter what she said to the family they just didn't get it. They insisted that she come back into the room and shout "Go Cubs!" into his ear. They were absolutely 100% convinced that hearing that would make him come back to life.

And shocked when it didn't.

People are strange.


JackeeG4glamorous said...

You are kidding! Go Cubs?

Celebrating life's ups and downs said...

And shocked when it didn't! How sad! People do get stuck in this sense of weirdness, as you know and have been witness too.