Right after I graduated from high school I had a toenail fungus on my big toenail. After treating it, it disappeared but left my nail a little wonky looking. I have always been self conscious of it.
Lately I've been thinking that I should just suck it up and go have a pedicure. I'm sure I would love it. Everyone tells me they're Fantastic.
I love to get pedicures I will go!!!
They are nice to have done I will admit. But call me cheap in my old age but I refuse to pay for them. I have better things to spend my money on. Gas, house, kids, college you don't want me to go on I know.
I just don't pamper myself like some do, right or wrong I guess it's up to each person to decide.
Everyone should try it once in their life though! Go for it!
I'm in, but first I have to kick back a shot of tequila to relax. The only pedi I had, I was so uncomfortable with anxiety.
I'll go with you. If you want a great, cheap pedicure, go to the beauty college in M'ville (by where Beaners used to be.) They do a really good job and it's very inexpensive. I get out of work by 1:00, so any afternoon you have free...call me.
Oh, I am like your mom when it comes to pedicures. I jump and make noises cause when they sand on my feet at the rough parts, I get this feeling that they are hurting me. I guess it's from one bad experience. Plus, I am very ticklish. You should get one though and enjoy it. Going with a friend makes it more enjoyable...You and Lisa live it up. I want to see the end result on your blog.
The Hubster doesn't understand pedis. It really has nothing to do with the polish...I can slap some color on my toes anyday. There is just something about the experience of having time, just for yourself, where someone does nothing but pamper you and does whatever you want for an hour.
I think I just figured out why men go to hookers!
My first pedicure came at the age of 29...and now it's a must have. LOVE THEM.
go do it now.
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