Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Porno for Preggos

Thanks to you all for your baby predictions. I think I favor the predictions that have him coming out earlier because I AM READY. I haven't been posting much because I can't focus. This is in part because I feel restless and because I can't seem to ever get comfortable. I keep trying to lure him out by promising to buy him toys. I used to promise him cake and candy, but who am I kidding, he gets those now.

I recently purchased this:

It's like porn for me. I have a major sweet tooth even without being pregnant and it's even worse now. It doesn't help that this cookbook has pictures. I just flip through the pages looking at all the pictures drooling. With recipes like caramel-chocolate mini bars, black bottom cherry cheesecake, dark chocolate truffle cupcakes, and raspberry champagne cream cake who can blame me?

While I'm on maternity leave, it is my goal to make as many of these desserts as I can.

Who wants to be my guinea pig?


Candice said...

Mmm that looks good...

I have to add, though, as someone on maternity leave... I can't fathom having the time to bake something. I barely have figured out how to have time to pour a bowl of cereal. But that could be b/c I have a baby who loves to nap in my arms and, well, he's just so cute that it's hard to resist. :)

Anonymous said...

I will gladly sacrifice myself and taste all of these delicious recipes for you. :) I can even hang out with baby ninja while you make them.

Amoco said...

I will definitely be your guinea pig. I love fresh baked sweets . . . but I can't bake so someone else has to do it. ;)

JackeeG4glamorous said...

Still trying to lose 10 lbs....10 lbs that found me.

back to counting points

Anonymous said...

As long as you don't lick or eat the pages, we will understand.