Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It's Been an Interesting Christmas.

I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas and that Santa was nice to you all. So what did I get this year for Christmas?

The stomach flu.

Have you ever sat on the toilet and threw up in the bathtub? I have.
Have you ever pooped yourself three times in one day? I have.
I spent the wee hours of Sunday morning in the Emergency room getting an IV of fluids since I couldn't keep anything in me including water or pedialyte. It was ever so much fun. I normally wouldn't have gone to the ER, I would have toughed it out. This year however I felt that I had to go because of my other Christmas present....

I'm pregnant.

I know! We're pretty excited. And to think we did this one all by ourselves. We stopped all fertility treatments in June. I kinda feel like I should ask for a refund, but I just don't care anymore. I'm only 8 weeks along so it's pretty early, but I think the last few weeks of keeping a secret have been KILLING my mother.

So that's it.

What did you get for Christmas?


JackeeG4glamorous said...

OMG...I can finally breathe again!
Everyone now knows and I don't have to keep a secret.
Hope you feel better Sarah {and baby sweet pea too}

Becky Durham said...

I knew it! Some of your twitter updates lately made me go, "I think she's pregnant." But I wasn't going to say anything...

Congrats! Hope you're 100% better.

Beth said...

Congratulations on the baby! Hope you get to feeling better soon. Happy New Year :)

Erica said...

Congrats, I had a sneaky feeling you might be a few weeks back, but didn't want to say anything so that you were the ones sharing the exciting news. Were very happy for your both!!

Shannon said...

Congratulations!!! A very happy Christmas gift, indeed!

thecoconutdiaries said...

OMG! This is like the MOST wanted kid ever. Congratulations to you and Spidey.

Brandi said...

I am sorry to hear that u had to go to the ER but it was the right decision especially because of the baby. I an so happy for you two. U will be such an awesome mom and I will get to be a Auntie Brandi !!!!!!

Amoco said...

That sounds almost as bad as the Christmas two years ago when I couldn't make it to the bathroom and vomited salsa and hot chocolate down the stairs . . . *cringe* Congratulations on the pregnancy though, that is something to celebrate!

Melanie Sheridan said...

I almost squee'd but everyone else is asleep. Congratulations!!!!!

PS- Feel better

Kristan said...

Oh wow, congrats!! I don't think anything tops that Xmas present (although I did get $200 in cash from my mom? lol).

Jen said...

Yay!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you and you husband!!!

When you left the comment on my blog about reading while you still had the chance, I was thinking that you might be pregnant, but I didn't want to come right out and ask you. This is such wonderful news, Sarah!!

Happy New Year!!

Mimi's Toes said...

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU SARAH AND HUBBY! I think about you often and how much you want a baby. This is your Christmas miracle! I love how you told us, very unexpected. Sorry you were so sick!

Robin said...

Yay!!!!! That is Awesome :)
Congrats, you will be such a great mama. I can't wait to hear all about pregnancy and little baby...

Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and even more excited that you are feeling some "good" morning sickness. What a wonderful, healthy sign!