Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This Book Should Come With a Warning!

If you're already down and feeling depressed, you should NOT read this book.Don't get me wrong, it's a good book and all, but it's kind of a bummer. I was already having issues (as we all know) and this book is so damn depressing.

I'll still probably go see the movie though.

Have any of you read it? What did you think? Will you still go see the movie?


Jen said...

I totally agree. I cried a lot while reading this book. It is definitely a heavy topic. My neighbor just bought it and I tried to warn her that it was really sad, but she still wants to read it. Oh well, I tried to be her personalized warning label.

Anonymous said...

It's on my reading list...I won't see the movie until I read the book.

Heidi said...

I didn't read the book, had no desire so I had a friend tell me how it went. Yep, Sarah, when we talked in the department about that book, I knew you would be shocked. Apparently the author writes some pretty sad stories.

thecoconutdiaries said...

No, I'm not sure any of us needs any additional reasons to cry. I think I would rather see "The Proposal" or rent "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

susan said...

yep i read it and was blown away. i will still see the movie though. it is a good read.