Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack!

 Where have I been this last year you ask?     BUSY!
Shortly after my last post my boss decided to leave his position.  I was promoted to Manager of my department over two campuses with 50 employees.  It's been an adjustment learning my new role and figuring things out.  All while raising two very busy little boys.
 Bennie is currently 15 months old (can you believe it?)  He's so smushy I want to literally eat him some days.  Just take a great big bite out of him. He's got such a sweet demeanor and is totally a little cuddle bunny.

Jackson will be 3 years old next month and he's growing at a ridiculous rate.  Which I find amazing since the kid NEVER eats.  He's wicked smart and learns new phrases every single day.  He has an amazing memory and imagination.

As you would imagine with them being so close in age they are BFF's.  Except for when they're not.

A few months ago I came off my antidepressant and I'm dealing okay.  It's still a struggle every day but I'm trying new ways to manage.
I'm hoping that returning to my blog will give me an outlet again to be creative and expressive.

Hopefully there are a few of you readers left.....(hi mom)


JackeeG4glamorous said...

Hi Sarah! :)
Yep, I'm still reading!

JackeeG4glamorous said...

Hi Sarah! :)
Yep, I'm still reading!

Becky Durham said...

The lovely thing about feedly is that it alerts me when you write. It does not seem like it's been a year...but I guess I have the benefit of facebook! Have a fantastic week!