Monday, March 29, 2010

Blue vs Pink

About a month after I found out I was pregnant, I was sitting on the couch flipping through a Pottery Barn kids catalogue and just had this feeling that the baby was a boy. I can not explain the feeling. No factual evidence to back it up. I just knew. Since then I have kind of been thinking of the peanut as a boy and even have referred to it as a him several times. Over the last few months I've had several people tell me that they think it's a boy or a girl or even a helper monkey (that was Spiderman). When asked I tell people that I really don't care either way being my first baby and all.

But I think it's a boy. I've been wrong before. I thought my littlest nephew was a girl. I've also been right before. I knew my friend Angela was having a girl when even she did not.

Today we went in for our 20 week ultrasound. The one where it actually looks like a baby. The one where you can tell what sex it is. Before the ultrasound they make you drink 32 oz of fluid and tell you not to pee. Seriously? I drink an 8 oz beverage and pee four times. 32 oz? It's like torture!! Then you get there and they make you WAIT!!! FOREVER!!!!

Finally my name is called and I go into the room, leaving Spiderman to hold my purse. The ultrasound tech spends 10 minutes moving the probe around and taking measurements. Not saying a word. Then she goes out to get Spiderman and we finally get to see the pictures.

And it's a boy. Very much a boy. He kept putting his hand on it. Spiderman says what do we expect, it's not like he's got anything else in there to play with.

We're both very happy and excited. We can now start shopping and planning the nursery. And this sounds awful, but I'm not sure what I'm more happy about. The fact that it's a boy or the fact that I was right.


Celebrating life's ups and downs said...

Oh Congrats! Little boys are wonderful...they LOVE LOVE LOVE their mommy more than anything...I have both a girl and a boy and I will say that although I have a special relationship with son...he is and has been in love with me forever...I do hope that continues....and boys are soooooo much easier! I wish you a healthy baby boy!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! I'm expecting a boy, too, and am so excited about it.

I'm always wrong, though. I thought it was a girl. My sister has a boy and a girl and I was wrong with both of them. lol Next time I'll check my gut instinct... and then guess the opposite.

Amoco said...

Yay!!! Congrats!

Melanie Sheridan said...

Congratulations! I *knew* I was having a girl, LOL! But, there was no mistaking that little turtle ultrasound time.

Shannon said...

Congrats on your bundle of BLUE!

I was wrong with both of my girls. I was just positive #1 was going to be a boy... after all, my husband's side of the family is nothing but boys. Our 1st daughter was the 1st girl to be born from his side of the family in over 40 years!

And with baby #2, I wanted another girl... so I figured I'd be having a boy.

JackeeG4glamorous said...

I, um, understand about being right, my prediction track record is excellant. I predicted a boy, and am very pleased. Pleased that he is healthy and loved so much already!

Mimi's Toes said...

I WAS RIGHT..I WAS RIGHT...and it's very rare that I guess right. I am thrilled for your bluesome bundle...

The Coconut Diaries said...

Do we get to know the name or is that a secret? I mean, we already know he plays with himself so the kid doesn't have much to hide now.