Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Day of Giving Thanks....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! In the spirit of the holiday I want to share with you some of the things I'm thankful for. (Plus it's a list, and I LOVE making lists)
  1. My health and the health of my family and friends (I see firsthand every day how important that is)
  2. My Husband (cuz he's swell)
  3. My friends and family
  4. My house (when so many are losing theirs)
  5. My job ( I'm glad I still have one in this economy)
  6. That I'm actually off work to enjoy this holiday (a shout out to those at the Chamber today, I feel for ya)
  7. The huge gluttonous meal I will be having later today at my mother's house
As the season of commercialization and greed is about to begin, it's nice to reflect for a few moments about what it is we are truly thankful for.

1 comment:

Jenn Martinson said...

Well, I wish I'd read this before I saw on the news that people were KILLED trying to buy discount electronics at WalMart. What the hell??