I also love gadgets. Things with buttons. As a kid I would walk through the aisles of the electronics departments pressing buttons on all the phones, stereos and TV's. I love my IPod, bluetooth, Wii, cell phone, even my electric can opener (It's the gizmo and it's pretty cool).
So as a book and gadget lover, I'm intrigued by the Kindle.
I don't know much about it, and don't really know anyone who has one. On one hand, I think it would be pretty cool to always have a book available and to be able to download anything I want to read. On the other hand, I will miss some of the things that I love about reading.
I love books. In college I used to work at Borders and most of my paycheck went back to the store. I love the size of books (quality paperback is my favorite medium). I love the smell and feel of books. I especially love library books that have the plastic covers on them. Something about the crinkle reminds me of the school librarian reading to us; every so often turning it to show us the pictures. I would miss the joy of going to the bookstore. Searching the stacks for hours, reading covers, deciding on the right ones.
So my questions to you are: Would you get a Kindle? Do you know anyone that has one and do they like it?