Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Stuff Friday!

Everyone Loves Free Stuff right? Today I'm offering this:
What's cool about these bags is that for every one purchased, they donate 100% of the profits to charity's. Which Charity's? The Children's House at Johns Hopkins and Believe in Tomorrow Children's foundation.

I happen to have one of these bags in chocolate brown (Spiderman's company represents them) and will send it to one of you lucky readers.

So how do you win one? Leave a comment here telling me what kind of charities you support. In a week I'll announce the winner.

And if you don't win? You should still go here and buy one because, hey, it's for charity!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I am just warm blooded furniture to them.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Brain is Feeling Random.

I have so many things floating around in my head so this is going to be a totally random post.
  • I have a new friend. His name is Shaun. He came over today and fixed the drain of my kitchen sink that has been stopped up since THURSDAY! You really can't put a price on being able to wash your pots and pans and run your dishwasher. Oh wait! You can. It's $250.
  • I know you all are wondering what I bought at Ikea a few weeks ago. I bought these: I purchased 4 of them to replace the dining chair that was broken at Spiderman's 30th Birthday party. Broken chair + drunk men = bonfire. In my driveway.
    I know
  • Also on my vacation I went to Shipshewana. At the flea market there, I found this cute table for my entryway.
Don't the Amish make cute furniture? I'm debating painting it black to match my dining chairs.
  • This past weekend my sister and mother and I had a garage sale. At my mothers because no one really ever wants to have one of those at their own house. It's a lot of clean up. Here are some of the highlights.
Notice my sister wrote "Good Deal" at the bottom of the sign. Thanks Abbie. We never would have figured out what a deal an entire set of pots and pans (with lids) was for $7.50 if you hadn't added that! A+ for your marketing skills.

My niece set up a lemonade stand because the day was stiflingly hot. Most of her patrons were my sister.

Yeah...... my mom apparently bought the two of us matching blouses. That we both sold.

This one was my favorite. Notice the tag: Bag of Knives?? My mother just threw some random knives in a bag and sold it. Go figure. I always wonder about the people who buy my old crap. And whoever buys this? We should probably be afraid of. But by having this garage sale I did find a place to get rid of some of my old books. So there's that.
  • Apparently, according to a new study I will have a harder time recovering from a spinal injury because I don't like blue M&M's. I'm sorry. They're just wrong.

And Finally,

  • In 4-6 weeks I will be able to leave the country at a moment's notice any time I want.

I know it was random, but I can't help it. My brain feels scattered today.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Eye Candy

Yesterday a coworker and I (shout-out to Jennifer!) went to see this movie.The Ugly Truth. You knew I'd have to see it because, Gerry? He's my boyfriend. I enjoyed the movie. (not just because of the man candy)It was crass raunchy humor, which I enjoy. His character Mike was a total ass, but you find yourself liking him anyway. Go figure. Of course, it helps having seen him like this:
You can kind of forgive him anything after looking at those abs. ***sigh***
You may remember this picture from a few months ago when I used Routan Babymaker 3000 to make our freaky looking child. It was pretty scary.
And here's one final picture. Just because I can. Isn't he dreamy? Don't you want to lick him all over? Ok.....Maybe that's just me.
Have you seen The Ugly Truth yet? Don't you just love him?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Scenes from my stay-cation

Monday, July 20, 2009

I Know You Want to Hear About My Chick Date

So.....on Friday evening I called the girl who gave me her digits. We decided to go to the outlet mall on Saturday for our "chick date". I was a little nervous. I had a little bit of a tough time deciding what to wear (mostly because the weather had gotten a little cooler). I couldn't decide long sleeves/short sleeves, jeans/shorts/capri's, dressier shirt/t-shirt? I wanted to make a good impression and not let the crazy show.

We had a nice afternoon chatting and getting to know each other under the guise of shopping. I wouldn't say we're BFF's or anything, but I think she would be cool to hang with. It will be nice to have another person in this area to hang out with. Most of my friends live either a town or two over, or 2 hours away. She said she'd call me sometime soon to go out for drinks or something. We'll just have to see.

Otherwise, I'm trying to enjoy the last day of my vacation. I go back to work tomorrow and I can't say as I'm terribly excited about it. But I did miss work. A little. I guess I do like my job somewhat.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Funeral Fun

Spent the day at Spiderman's grandfather's funeral. Fun times. I just can't get motivated to write a real post after today, but I did want to update y'all. I called my new friend and we're going shopping tomorrow.
I'm sure there will be a post in there somewhere.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So Relaxed.

Today I had a facial.
I absolutely LOVED it. The first thing they did was a little skin evaluation. I told the girl that all the recent hormones have kind of reeked havoc on my skin and I needed a little help.
First she cleansed my skin and then set up the steamer to open my pores. Just the heat on my face felt good. Then, she toned and moisturized my skin and did a facial massage. The facial massage was heaven....complete heaven. By the time she put on the facial mask (with special exfoliating enzymes) I was SO relaxed. While the mask set, she massaged my neck, shoulders, and arms. When I left there, I had to squint because everything seemed so bright and I almost felt like I was high.

I know people who don't like massages. I realize that some people don't like to be touched. That is NOT me. I love to be touched by strangers. I wonder what that says about me? Massages, facials. Whatever I can get. Ummm....but not in a creepy way. No "special"massages for me thankyouverymuch. skin is brighter, and softer and all around better. I asked her how often she would recommend a facial (since I want to have one every day now). She recommends every other month. I think I can handle that.

So if you don't mind being touched, I highly recommend getting a facial.

Go make an appointment now.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hey Baby, Wanna Go For Drinks?

I am such a nerd.

I know I've posted in the past about how difficult it is for me to make new friends. I'm shy. I feel like I'm trying too hard. All my girl friends live to far away. I don't really know where to go to meet new people.....etc. Well, this past weekend I went to a party at my Aunts house. There was food, fireworks, and tons of people. Some of them my family. So I immediately started drinking. Have you tried the Bacardi Silver Mojito's? They're awesome by the way. After three of them, I felt more comfortable mingling. One of my aunt's neighbor's and I really hit it off. She's around my age and doesn't live that far from me. She saved a seat for me when we went to see the fireworks ( I know I'm totally 13 years old).

At the end of the night she gave me her home and cell numbers. Here's my problem. I totally feel like a guy here. How long do I wait before calling her up? When I do, what should I say? Wanna hang out? Do we need an activity? Like: Wanna go to a movie/lunch/shopping?

Most of the close friends I have now are a different story. We were in the same Biology class, or worked together at one point, or lived by each other. We were around each other a lot and just became friends. This one is going to require some effort.

Spiderman has spent the last few days laughing his ass off at how stressed I've been over my "chick date". But, it's easy for guys. He just sets up his bean bags at the end of our driveway and dudes come out of the woodwork. With beer. Girls are harder.

What would you do? How do you make friends with complete strangers?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hormonal Energy

It's official!
My last shift done.
I'm on VACATION!!!!! (can you tell I'm excited?)

Thanks for all your suggestions. I made an appointment for Wednesday for the facial. I'll let you know how it goes. It seems like I've had more migraines than usual with the onset of summer and I think the face, neck and head massage that comes with the facial will feel SOOOOO good. Plus with all the hormones I've been taking (and now NOT taking) lately, my skin could use a little help.

The last few days I've been trying to really clean my house good so that I don't feel like I have to do it while I'm on vacation. I want to just relax. It helps that I've been hormonal. I always get really clean-y around my time of the month. Of course I clean all the time, but once a month I get crazy about cleaning. I mean, those are the times when I clean out my cabinets, closets, and refrigerator. I clean my windows and vacuum my furniture. The clutter really bothers me. Everything seems really dirty. I usually get on my hands and knees and scrub all the floors because they just can't get clean enough. I feel this compulsion to organize.
Spiderman can always tell when it's around that time because he'll come home and I'll have alphabetized the spices or some strange shit like that.
I know that pregnant women get the "nesting" thing because of their hormones. I wonder if it's related. I get all this restless energy. I've always been this way.

Is it just me, or do you get to scrubbin' around your time of the month too?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I Just Have to Make it ONE More Day

All I have to do is make it through an 8 hour shift tomorrow and then....I AM ON VACATION!!!

Can you tell I'm excited? I'm not actually going anywhere so it's more like a Stay-cation, but I don't have to work or do anything I don't want to do.
I have a few things lined up like day trips to both Chicago and Shipshewana, but I'm mostly going to spend the time sleeping, reading, and hanging out at the pool.

I also have a gift card donated to me by my mother for a spa near to my house. What I can't decide is this: should I get a massage or a facial?

Let's debate this. First we have the one hour relaxation massage. I love massages. I last had one in February for my birthday. It was nice, but left me with bruises. Next, we have the hour long rejuvenating facial. This includes cleansing, skin analysis (whatever the heck that means), steam, treatment masks, balancing and face, neck, arm and hand massage.
Both of these are about the same price. Both are hour long. I do have to say I'm leaning more towards the facial. I haven't had a facial in 6 years.

Which would you pick, the massage or the facial?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nothing Interesting

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have actually attempted to start organizing the office. I bought a filing cabinet and sorted through some of the piles of junk. I didn't get very far, but it's something. I spent the entire holiday weekend working 12 hour shifts from hell...not by choice....and that brings us to today. I spent the entire day lounging by my mother's pool reading fluff. It was awesome.

That's all I've got today because all the fun in the sun has given me a headache.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Organizing Hell

Ok everyone. What you are about to see is extremely embarrassing for me, and I am only showing you guys because I REALLY like you. It could be because I can't think of anything else to post, but it's mostly because I like you.


Here is the current state of one of my spare bedrooms or as we like to refer to it: "The Office"
It has pretty much been this way since right after we moved in two years ago. And it has been driving me nuts for two whole years. So much so, that I try to not even go in there unless I absolutely have to.And it just keeps accumulating.
I have tried to organize things. I got these really nice plastic drawers for my scrap booking and other craft stuff, but it doesn't seem to help.

This summer I'm adding it to the list of my many projects. I need to tackle this before it gets even worse.

Anyone wanna help? Ideas? Suggestions? Manpower?